Veterans & First Responders
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As the leaders in adaptive snowsports, part of our support for ill or injured veterans and first responders includes considering the sport pathway each member chooses to take. A pathway can be either as a participant, instructor or as a volunteer. Adaptive Snowsports promotes physical and mental recovery following service-related illness or injury.
Ill or injured veterans, first responders and their families benefit when people recognize, appreciate, and cultivate a sense of belonging in CADS network. Members also experience improved physical, psychological and social outcomes when they and their families are included in events/training and lessons. While our programs may differ from types and sizes, across Canada, each CADS Club is important for creating and inclusive, safe, and fun environments promoting recovery.
The Canadian athlete development pathway is defined into three main phases, beginning with phase one, development of athleticism for ski racing, which spans from the Gliding Start through the Learn to Train stage and includes the initial stages of the Train to Train stage.
Phase two, the training to the top, spans from the last years of the Train to Train stage through the Train to Race stage of development. Athletes in the last year of the Train to Race stage will actively seek high-performance racing specific training programs both on and off the snow. Dedication to a full-time schedule is necessary to successfully progress ski racers into phase two of the Train to Race stage where they begin to train and compete with the intent to learn how to win higher level races which enable them to qualify for the national team.
When athletes exit phase two and enter phase three, racing for the podium, they are in the Race to Win stage representing Canada as an Alpine Canada national team member. They are within two to three years of winning at the elite levels of racing, FIS World Cup, FIS World Championships and Olympic Winter Games.
Faye McConnell
Race Development Rep
Christine Mason
Program Director
Gwen Binsfeld
Race Development Rep
Gwen Binsfeld
6400 Nancy Greene Way , North Vancouver British Columbia V7R 4K9
Executive Director
James Peters | 604-646-8277
Race Development Rep
James Peters
Yens Pedersen
Race Development Rep
Gordon Poulton
Executive Director
Sian Blyth
Race Development Rep
Adria Flor
Are you interested in becoming a CADS Certified Instructor?
CADS CERTIFICATION PATHWAY - CADS offers a bottom-up approach to certification programs, touching each competency and ensuring ways for instructors to offer value at each skill level. Our programs also help to develop a rich set of instruction skills in each member at a pace that reflects the participants' lifestyle and involvement.
123 Shortt Street , Silver Star Mountain British Columbia V1B 3M1
Andy McQuilkin | 250-864-0992
Andy McQuilkin
Veterans & First Responder Rep
Program Chair
Michael Moulton | 613-277-2786
Ron Orien
Veterans & First Responder Rep
Karen Kilpatrick | 506 463-2399
Veterans & First Responder Rep
Fred Gagnon
Deb Blimkie
James Cooney, CD
Veterans & First Responder Rep
Executive Director
Sandra Haziza | 604-338-3173
Shoulder 2 Shoulder Retreats
Veterans & First Responder Rep
James Cooney,
Are you interested in furthering your training and become an Alpine Canada Coach?
The coaching pathway is designed to guide your training and skill development as a coach, providing you with the tools required to support athletes at successively higher levels of performance.
New coaches begin their journey by completing the Entry Level Licensing and Certification requirements. Once those credentials are achieved, they can begin to work with young ski racers at their local club in the gliding start and skier essentials stage of LTAD.
Soldier On
As a serving member or Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, you know what it’s like to live an active lifestyle. Whether you are newly ill or injured or have been on the path to recovery for a while, we are here to support you to adapt, overcome and Soldier On.