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    Designed to support diverse learners by
    providing inclusive tools and strategies.
    Free for CADS members.
    Approx. 90 minutes.
  • Ski Hill
    Canadian Adaptive
    Fun | Inclusion | Respect
  • people getting involved
    Get Involved Today!
    Learn, Volunteer, Instruct, Belong. Form lasting relationships!

CADS Purpose

To give people living with disabilities the opportunity to eliminate barriers that have prevented them in experiencing the Joy and Freedom of Snowsports.
Not only in a fun and inclusive environment that embraces diversity but in an accessible community that treats each individual with respect.

Visual Impairments

We have knowledge, equipment, tactics and skills to support people with visual impairments to participate in snowsports lessons.

Physical Impairments

We have knowledge, equipment, tactics and skills for anyone who requires balance or mobility support to participate in snowsports lessons.


We have knowledge, equipment, tactics and skills for neurodiverse and developmentally diverse students to participate in snowsports lessons.

CADS Key Focus

CADS supports and encourages over 2100 participants living with disabilities to be active for life and to work towards long term development. CADS also supports over 1600 certified instructors and over 1500 volunteers to fully participate and to develop their skills to achieve their greatest impact.


Indicated and measured by …smiles.


Providing opportunities and support for everyone to slide on snow and feel a sense of belonging.


Working together to achieve acceptance, dignity, consideration and care for all.

What's Happening Updates from the CADS Social Team

...CADS lives on the sports hills of Canada...

stylized map of Canada

Our ValuedPartners CADS receives generous support from these valuable partners


Thinking of becoming a CADS Certified Instructor to help support and include students of all abilities on the hill? There are three pathways to follow. The Ski Certification Pathway, the Snowboard Certification Pathway or the Chauffeur Pathway. There are also crossover certifications that allow instructors to leverage their skills to utilize both ski and snowboard platforms.

Ski Cert Title

Level 1 Title Details

Level 1 Subtitle

level 1 pin

Level 2 Title Details

Level 2 Subtitle

level 2 pin

Level 3 Title Details

Level 3 Subtitle

level 3 pin

Level 4 Title Details

Level 4 Subtitle

level 4 pin

Sb Cert Title

Sb Level 1 Title Details

Sb Level 1 Subtitle

level 1 pin

Sb Level 2 Title Details

Sb Level 2 Subtitle

level 2 pin

Sb Level 3 Title Details

Sb Level 3 Subtitle

level 3 pin

Sb Level 4 Title Details

Sb Level 4 Subtitle

level 4 pin

Sb Under Construct

CADS Instructor Certification Program:


CADS training and instruction is consistent and supported coast to coast.


Programs are consistent with CSIA, CASI methods and Alpine Canada Long-Term Skier Development.


Supported and encouraged through over 1600 Certified Members and over 1500 Volunteers across Canada.


Encourages succession planning for Course Conductors, and senior Examiners, while fostering continued development.

Contact Us

CADS Volunteers

Self Development

Develop your own skills while helping students to develop theirs.

Giving Back

Nothing can be more rewarding than freely giving time to the development of others.


CADS Inspirations

Don't take our word for it!

My son Jamie participates in CADS because he needs a little extra help on the hill. CADS has helped him get past the challenges of autism and find freedom and success on the hill. CADS has been a life changer not only for Jamie, but for our whole family!

Jamie's Mom

I loved getting to meet all sorts of different people, and getting to know my CADS Ski Instructors at Festival. They were so kind, helpful, and so much fun to be around. Now... let’s talk about that award. Canadian Skier of the year! Never in a million years did I think I would receive an award like that in my life. I still struggle to wrap my mind around it! It was a great honor, and certainly a huge surprise.

Kate Gibbs

The 'all inclusive nature' of the CADS organization (Instructors, volunteers, athletes and families) are diverse, and we truly felt that all were inclusive. There seemed to be no judgement of others. This is something most groups strive for, but as you know rarely can achieve.

Karen and Brad Benoit

Canadian Adaptive Snowsports

Fun Inclusion Respect

Contact Us

First and last names.
We'll never share your email with anyone else.

Questions? Contact Us

  • 604-813-7607
  • Email Us
  • 1100-1200 West 73rd Avenue,
    Vancouver BC, V6P6G5

...CADS lives on the sports hills of Canada...

stylized map of Canada