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Membership Information

Canadian Adaptive Snowsports

The Membership season is from Sept 1st – Aug 31st

Membership registration has changed for new and returning members! A new portal has been developed by CADS National for it’s member clubs and Divisions.

Please follow these steps to purchase your membership:

Members can now purchase their CADS membership at the same time as registering for a ski/snowboard program or as a volunteer.

Program registration and registration dates will be managed by the member clubs, for more information please contact your local club

Returning members:

  • If you used Snowline in a previous season (2020/2021), please use your existing user ID and password to renew your membership.
  • If you are a past member but did not have a membership in the 2020/2021 season, please register as a new user (New Snowline Account) as your previous membership was not imported into the new portal.

To purchase or renew your membership

To PURCHASE a new CADS membership:

  1. Access Snowline HERE
  2. CLICK on 'New Snowline Account'
  3. ENTER Last Name, First Name & Email Address
  4. CREATE a password
  5. SELECT your Membership Type (see below)
  6. SELECT your Provincial Division
  7. SELECT your Adaptive Club or Division if you are not participating in an adaptive club
  8. COMPLETE your Personal Information, Forms & Agreements (SIGN and I AGREE) – Select CHECK & CONTINUE for each
  9. Select for Membership – Select CHECK AND CONTINUE
  10. Payment: SAVE/SUBMIT/PAY (once all above sections are marked COMPLETED)
  11. Membership confirmation: You will receive an email with your membership card. Your membership card will be also available under the membership tab once payment was successful

To RENEW your CADS membership:

  1. Access Snowline HERE
  2. ENTER Username and Password
  3. SELECT Profile
  4. REVIEW your profile information to verify it is correct
  5. COMPLETE your Forms & Agreements (SIGN and I AGREE) – Select CHECK & CONTINUE for each
  6. SELECT Membership
  7. Payment: SAVE/SUBMIT/PAY (once all above sections are marked COMPLETED)
  8. Membership confirmation: You will receive an email with your membership card. Your membership card will be also available under the membership tab once payment was successful

Membership types:

  • Student: You will be taking an adaptive lesson
  • Instructor: On-Snow Instructors will teach students either as a Certified Instructor/ Volunteer/ or Trainee
  • Volunteers: Off-Snow Volunteers wish to volunteer in another capacity - admin, Board of Directors, events, staff
  • Friend: You provide assistance to a student (either on or off snow) while they participate in an adaptive program. (Bubble Volunteer)
  • Stakeholder: You are a donor or you're joining for mailing list reasons only. No membership included
  • Independent: You are an independent who will not participate in an adaptive program and wishes to support adaptive Skiing & Snowboarding by purchasing an annual membership - no insurance is provided

Membership fees:

  • Annual membership: $$ dependent on which Adaptive Club or division you belong to* (includes a $35.00 CADS national membership fee)

Membership questions?

  • Program related questions? Please contact your local club
  • View our Refund/Cancellation Policy